Corby Glen Community Singers

Everyone is invited to join our Community Singing Group in the Church Street Rooms, Corby Glen on Monday evenings at 7.30pm. This group is open to everyone who wants to enjoy the thrill of making music for fun. The cost is just £2 per person per session to cover for hall hire.

Here are some of the things people experience when they sing together …

  • Singing makes you feel better
  • Singing is good for your physical wellbeing
  • Singing helps you beat stress and it helps you relax
  • Singing helps you improve your memory
  • Singing builds a sense of community
  • Singing lets you express yourself
  • Singing helps you boost your confidence

Singing is fun and it really is for everyone.

Come along and give it a go – everyone is welcome

And for those who say: I am tone deaf… ‘Congenital amusia’ (the technical name for tone deafness) is very, very, very rare – so stop judging your own singing, and find out what those vocal chords can really achieve!

New singers are always welcome

Event Details