Move it or Lose it!
Move it or Lose it! Exercise class every Friday, 11.30am to 12.30pm, Church Street Rooms, £5 per person
Taekwondo, Corby Glen
Saturday, 11am–12 noon Taekwondo from age 6 upwards and families, Ron Dawson Hall, Corby Glen
Swayfield Handbells
Swayfield Handbells Practice, every Monday from 7.30pm at Swayfield Village Hall. New ringers welcome
Swayfield Art Group
Art Group, weekly on Tuesdays, 10am to 12 noon; Swayfield Village Hall
Swayfield Carpet Bowls
Carpet Bowls, weekly on Tuesdays from 2.30pm; Swayfield Village Hall
Tuesday Yoga at Swayfield
Yoga – Tuesdays 18.00-19.00; Men’s Yoga – Tuesdays 19.15-20.15; Swayfield Village Hall
Swayfield Table Tennis Club
Table Tennis Club, Wednesdays 18.00-20.00 (except on Garden Club evenings); Swayfield Village Hall
Line Dancing, Corby Glen
Line Dancing with Donna, every Wednesday, 6.30-830pm, £6 per session. Church Street Rooms, Corby Glen
Thursday Yoga at Swayfield
Yoga – Thursdays 10.30-11.30; Swayfield Village Hall
Yoga at Burton-le-Coggles
Yoga – Thursdays 6pm; Burton Village Hall