Taekwondo, Corby Glen
Saturday, 11am–12 noon Taekwondo from age 6 upwards and families, Ron Dawson Hall, Corby Glen
Swayfield Garden Club
Last Wednesday evening of each month 19.30 (except Jan, Aug and Dec) at Swayfield Village Hall
Walking Football, Corby Glen
Walking Football for those aged 45+, every Thursday during term time, 7-8pm, Charles Read Academy Artificial Surface Pitches, Corby Glen
Corby Glen Local History Society
The Local History Society meets at 7.30pm on the last Friday of each month (except July, August and December) in the Church Street Rooms.
Messy Church
Messy Church, 2-4pm, Church Street Rooms, Corby Glen. Aimed at families, but everyone is welcome to come along and join in the fun – crafts, songs, puppets, refreshments