Statutory Consultation on the Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan

How to take part in the statutory consultation on the Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan, including where to view the plan itself

The Statutory Consultation on the Neighbourhood Plan will remain open until midnight on June 12.

A copy of the Plan can be viewed at the Willoughby Gallery (Library), Lily’s Lavender Hut or the March Hare.

The Plan can also be viewed on-line on the SKDC web site ( will take you to the documents).

Please note that all comments must be sent directly to SKDC and they prefer the use of the designated response form which is available alongside the Neighbourhood Plan documents on their website. 

Email submissions can be sent to:

Postal submissions should be addressed to:
Planning Policy, South Kesteven District Council, 
The Picture House, St Catherine’s Road, Grantham, NG31 6TT

Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group