Public Meeting: Swinstead Road Sewage Stench

Corby Glen Public Meeting: Swinstead Road Sewage Stench, Ron Dawson Hall, Tuesday 11 June, 7.30pm

Event Details

Corby Glen Public Meeting:
Swinstead Road Sewage Stench

Ron Dawson Hall, Tuesday 11 June, 7.30pm

Since August 2023, there has been a foul smell of raw sewage coming from the sewers along Swinstead Road and into the neighbouring area.

Corby Glen Parish Council has been pursuing Anglian Water about the issues but, although AW have confirmed that the smell exceeds acceptable levels, there has been no change.

It is clear from speaking to residents that many people living on or walking along Swinstead Road are being affected by the smell.

The Parish Council is holding a public meeting to discuss the smell at the Ron Dawson Memorial Hall (signposted “Corby Glen Village Hall”, on Swinstead Road) on Tuesday 11 June at 7.30pm.

Representatives from local councils and relevant businesses have been invited to contribute to the meeting.

It is hoped to find out what steps (if any) are being taken to resolve this matter.

Cllr John Ellam
Corby Glen Parish Council